Recommendations for characterizing potential emissions and exposure to aerosols released from nanomaterials in workplace operations, report of French Working Group
Nanomaterials are increasingly being synthesized and used in the research and in several industry sectors. Products that contain embedded nanomaterials are also becoming more commonplace. Potential emissions and exposure to nanomaterials can occur during synthesis, downstream use, application or treatment of products, and waste recycling/disposal. While research continues to address questions of nanomaterials toxicity, more field studies that include aerosol measurements are performed to help determine worker exposures. Among the key factors that will make data from these studies useful for risk assessments or epidemiology in the future is a harmonized measurement strategy. In that context, INRS together with INERIS and CEA (both involved in a national action plan nano-INNOV) established a working group, whose the outcome is a report describing a suggested approach to characterize emissions and inhalation exposures to aerosols where nanomaterials are processed or used during workplace operations. The approach that will be presented follows a 5-stage procedure. Three levels should be successively passed before a measurement campaign to be considered, and the last of them includes the possibility of particle release tests are performed under laboratory conditions. The measurement strategy in itself is based on two levels of intervention : level 1 is intended primarily for industrial hygiene practitioners, while level 2 is intended primarily for researchers with experience in (nano) aerosol measurement in the workplaces. It incorporates several elements from the discussions currently underway in the international scientific community. Since this issue is evolving, this approach will require a revision, ultimately leading to an internationally harmonized approach.