CityDelta : a model intercomparison study to explore the impact of emission reductions in European cities in 2010
C. Cuvelier
P. Thunis
Robert Vautard
(2, 3)
Markus Amann
Bertrand Bessagnet
M. Bedogni
R. Berkowicz
J. Brandt
F. Brocheton
P. Builtjes
C. Carnavale
Alexis Coppalle
B. Denby
J. Douros
A. Graff
O. Hellmuth
Cécile Honore
Alma Hodzic
J. Jonson
A. Kerschbaumer
Frank de Leeuw
E. Minguzzi
N. Moussiopoulos
C. Pertot
Vincent-Henri Peuch
Guido Pirovano
Laurence Rouil
F. Sauter
M. Schaap
R. Stern
L. Tarrason
E. Vignati
M. Volta
L. White
Philippe Wind
A. Zuber
JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability
2 LMD - Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (UMR 8539)
3 LSCE - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement [Gif-sur-Yvette]
4 IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [Laxenburg]
5 INERIS - Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques
6 Mobility & Environment Agency
7 National Environment Research Institute
8 CNRM - Centre national de recherches météorologiques
9 TNO - The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
10 UniBs - Università degli Studi di Brescia = University of Brescia
11 CORIA - Complexe de recherche interprofessionnel en aérothermochimie
12 NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research
13 LHTEE - Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering [Thessaloniki]
14 Übergreifende Angelegenheiten der Luftreinhaltung
15 Department of Modelling
16 MET - Norwegian Meteorological Institute [Oslo]
17 Institut für Meteorologie [Berlin]
18 Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
19 ARPA-SIM - Servizio Idro-Meteorologico ARPA Emilia Romagna
20 Environment and Sustainable Development Department
21 Center for Substances and Integrated Risk Assessement
22 White Associates
23 DG-Environment
2 LMD - Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (UMR 8539)
3 LSCE - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement [Gif-sur-Yvette]
4 IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [Laxenburg]
5 INERIS - Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques
6 Mobility & Environment Agency
7 National Environment Research Institute
8 CNRM - Centre national de recherches météorologiques
9 TNO - The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
10 UniBs - Università degli Studi di Brescia = University of Brescia
11 CORIA - Complexe de recherche interprofessionnel en aérothermochimie
12 NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research
13 LHTEE - Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering [Thessaloniki]
14 Übergreifende Angelegenheiten der Luftreinhaltung
15 Department of Modelling
16 MET - Norwegian Meteorological Institute [Oslo]
17 Institut für Meteorologie [Berlin]
18 Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
19 ARPA-SIM - Servizio Idro-Meteorologico ARPA Emilia Romagna
20 Environment and Sustainable Development Department
21 Center for Substances and Integrated Risk Assessement
22 White Associates
23 DG-Environment
Bertrand Bessagnet
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 763868
- ORCID : 0000-0003-2062-4681
- IdRef : 185643361
Alexis Coppalle
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 19205
- IdHAL : alexis-coppalle
- IdRef : 06962299X
Vincent-Henri Peuch
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 759516
- ORCID : 0000-0003-1396-0505
This paper gives an overview of the set up, methodology and the obtained results of the CityDelta (phase 1 and 2) project. In the context of the Clean Air For Europe programme of the European Commission, the CityDelta project was designed to evaluate the impact of emission-reduction strategies on air quality at the European continental scale and in European cities. Ozone and particulate matter (PM) are the main components that have been studied. To achieve this goal, a model intercomparison study was organized with the participation of more than 20 modelling groups with a large number of modelling configurations. Two following main topics can be identified in the project. First, in order to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, the participating models were evaluated against observations in a control year (1999). An accompanying paper will discuss in detail this evaluation aspect for four European cities. The second topic is the actual evaluation of the impact of emission reductions on levels of ozone and PM, with particular attention to the differences between large-scale and fine-scale models. An accompanying paper will discuss this point in detail. In this overview paper the main input to the intercomparison is described as well as the use of the ensemble approach. Finally, attention is given to the policy relevant issue on how to implement the urban air quality signal into large-scale air quality models through the use of functional relationships.