Integrated Perspectives on Sustainable Infrastructures for Cities and Military Installations
Over the last two decades events have exposed how infrastructures are both vulnerable and display factors of resilience. These events range from terrorist actions (e.g. 9/11) to extreme weather events (e.g. Hurricane Katrina, 2005 and Hurricane Irene, 2011), economic collapses (e.g. following the crises of the U.S. financial and automobile industries, 2008), social conflict and violence, pandemics (e.g. Pandemic Influenza, 2005), as well as other threats to stability. We have seen that infrastructures are complexly interrelated, interdependent and subject to cascading effects as a disruption of one infrastructure can spread through networks of interconnections. This presentation will discuss integrated infrastructure modeling, analysis and assessment. Several concepts will be taken into consideration during the presentation and these will include:tradeoffs between infrastructures investments and other operational needs, the value of participative approaches for idea generation and sustained stakeholder support, the importance of leadership, and the greater dependence of small scales on external infrastructures and management structures.