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Mots clés

Entropy power inequality Aggregation order Communications optiques Deep Learning Source coding Communication Interference Receivers Large random matrices Error exponents Side-channel analysis Signal processing Jensen's inequality Resource allocation Loi de Fitts Optical communication Extra-reduction leakage Bessel kernel Information Theory Central Limit Theorem Distributed estimation Multiplexing Detection Downlink Feedback Direct detection Decoding Scheduling Codes Variable-length coding Anisoplanatism Apprentissage profond MIMO Energy harvesting Few-mode fibers Throughput Coherent detection Statistics Hypothesis testing Fiber design and fabrication Mutual information Distributed computing Joint cache-channel coding Massive MIMO Evaluation methodology Differential entropy Deep learning Block codes Information theory Infrared communication Gaussian noise Channel coding Dynamical systems Interference management Masking Fitts’ law Broadcast channel Energy consumption Optimization Protocols Speed-accuracy tradeoff Fiber optics communications Expected rate constraints Estimation Placement delivery array Transmitters Optical fibers Broadcasting Fitts' law Intrusion detection Machine learning Distributed hypothesis testing Joint source-channel coding Compute-and-forward Encoding Pointing Channel estimation 5G Fading channels Entropy Empirical distribution of the eigenvalues Cognitive radio Neural networks Confusion coefficient Caching Channel capacity Capacity Sensors Cyclostationarity Decision centers DVB-T2 Adaptive optics Kolmogorov-Smirnov Analysis KSA Reliability Lattices MapReduce Storage Optique adaptative Error exponent Computational modeling


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